Child Care Watchdog

Advocacy for licensed child care providers

The childcare industry is being failed. Providers are being bullied, given incorrect information, denied on claims, the list goes on. We want to hear your stories.

Daycare Owl and DC Insurance Childcare Watchdog
Watchdog for childcare providers

Childcare Watchdog is a program created by Daycare Owl and DC Insurance Services to assist licensed child care providers.

Enough is enough. Child care providers deserve the same rights, benefits and protection as any other business owner.

Childcare providers are being kept in the dark. Agencies are creating confusion amongst providers to keep them arguing with each other. Providers are taught to hide their rates and be reliant on CCR&Rs so they don’t charge market rate.

The child care industry is purposely defeated to keep child care subsidy rates low. Child care analysts trick providers and bully businesses. Providers have no recourse or anyone to complain to.

Insurance carriers are refusing to cover providers because so many lawsuits are taken up against providers. The system has made it easy for parents to take advantage of child care providers.

Childcare Watchdog is a program created by Daycare Owl and DC Insurance Services to protect licensed child care providers .We want to unify child care providers. Enough is enough. Child care providers deserve the same rights, benefits and protection as any other business owner.

Data Collection

Tell us your story. We are putting together a database of unlawful behavior against providers. We will be able to pinpoint which state, counties, analysts and agencies are over exerting their power over providers. 

All provider information will be anonymized .


Every 3 months Daycare Owl will publish a report and list the top issues and concerns amongst providers.

The report will contain the names of the top agencies reported by providers and their geographic area. All provider data will be anonymized.


It’s time for child care providers to unite and govern themselves. Lawmakers, licensing, CCR&Rs and insurance carriers are NOT DOING RIGHT BY THE CHILD CARE INDUSTRY.

Power in numbers, data doesn’t lie. We will use these reports to demand change for the licensed child care providers.

If your analyst or CCR&R ever told you not to share your rates, that is illegal and you need to report them. 

Submit your complaint and suggestions

Select one
Selected Value: 1
1 being a poor experience, 10 being excellent.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.

Have you registered with Daycare Owl?

We are on a mission to bridge the growing gap between parents and childcare providers by giving childcare facilities the tools and recognition they deserve.

A platform with a cause

Lack of access to affordable childcare is crippling the economy. It certainly holds minorities and single parents back. Daycare Owl is here to fix this socio-economic issue with technology.

Our goal is to bridge the growing gap between parents and licensed child care providers by helping parents find care in real-time for free. Daycare Owl has given daycares the capability to segment the full week into hourly slots. Daycares can also offer special weekend care, overnight care, evening care, and more.

Daycares are the most affordable childcare choice because they operate on an economy of scale. Increased and consistent business keeps daycare rates low.

The world of affordable and available child care has just expanded with Daycare Owl. We can’t wait to see the difference it makes in the lives of children, mothers, fathers, providers, employers, and the economy as a whole. 

Welcome to the child care revolution!

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